Well, hello internet! I am a first time blogger and to be quite honest, I'm a bit nervous about this whole thing. There's something intimidating about putting your thoughts, and opinions out there for everyone to read. I'm not sure how to start or what to say, but this seems like a good way to brush up on my writing skills, which are a bit rusty. I figure I ought to have a point to this and try to write about something I know about, but nothing wasn't an option. So I'll go with the next best thing and keep most of my comments geared towards music.
Any one who spends any amount of time with me knows I have an addiction to finding new music. It started for me in high school, when I would stay up at night with a pen and paper in hand ready to write down any new artist, albums, or bands I liked from VH1's Insomniac music videos. Another favorite source for this was those infomercials usually hosted by Hermins Herbit, Debby Boone, or some other former star of 70's a high schooler like me would have never heard of. This was back in the days of napster, and burning CD's was a very novel idea. (I felt like an old person writing that)
Since then We've seen the invention of iTunes, iPods, Myspace, Youtube, and many other alernative ways of finding music, or discovering it for yourself. This is perhaps my biggest hobby and if I could make a living out of it I would.
So from time to time when I find music I like or there's a certain song I like I'l write about it here, maybe post a link for you so you can tell me what you think about it. We'll just have to see what this evolves to.