Hey this is just a quick note to let everyone out there know the new James Taylor album is out. On occasion the iTunes new releases come out a couple hours early (for us in UT) I guess they're release on eastern time. His new album is called "Covers" and it entirely an album of cover tunes. I'll post videos up here as they are available but for now just go to JT's website if you want to listen. There are already a few classics on this album, my favorite for now is his cover of the great temptation song "It's Growing" Seriously if you want to hear an album that is carefully crafted and entirely thought out. Check it out!
Lately the song "Fire and Rain" has been on my mind in a major way. It's one of those songs that is part of my make up due mostly to the fact that I was raised on it, and have probably heard it as much as any other song out there. As I've gone through a few of my own personal struggles lately this was one of the first non-MoTab songs that brought me peace. I've also thought of it as I consider some of the other bishop lessons I've learned lately.
This lyric in particular struck a chord with me:
I’ve been walking my mind to an easy time My back turned towards the sun Lord knows when the cold wind blows it’ll turn your head around
It seems like when we are in a comfort zone, or in some cases not feeling the consequences for some of our poor choices our we tend to 'turn our back toward the sun' or forget our Heavenly Father. But when we face great trials, or life gets hard, we seek comfort. Anyways, I don't have anything deep or inspiring to say (you surprised?) but I thought I'd throw this song up here, while it was on my mind.
Hello everyone! It's been a little while since I've posted any tunes on here. I'm not really sure if anyone actually looks at this blog and likes any of the music I post so I guss that's part of it, but I've also been feeling a bit like I should write about some of the experiences Karie and I have had, the good and the bad. So maybe someday I'll put some of those thoughts down, but for now I'll just put a few quick links up to some of my new favorites/discoveries in music.
Jenny and Tyler - American Dream
I just discovered this little duo, I don't know much about them just yet but they caught my ear, and I can tell that I'm going to like them. Here's a link to their website.
Rick Seibold - Mary
Yeah I know all these musicians that don't have music videos yet, but I really like this guys sound, I think he has potential. What do you think?
Eric Hutchenson - OK It's Alright With Me
Of this group, I think Eric hs the most potential. I've enjoyed his whole CD and actually can't pick which track is the stand out track on the album, There are two or three standout tracks that I llike.
Anyways, I have quite a few more songs in the backlog that I'm anxiousl to post about. But my last one is a shout out to my friend Mitch Hansen of the Mitch Hansen Band. Mitch and I served together on a mission and became great friends, I can't say I'm surpised He's turning into a great musician, and recording artist in his own right. If you are a fan of the Twilight books like I know my wife and all her friends are check out, the mitch hansen band